About Us

Welcome to Child Comfort Zone

Child Comfort Zone is vibrant children focused national NGO, founded in 2018 and registered with in the national ministry of justice and constitutional affairs and with the Relief and rehabilitation commission (RRC) South Sudan. Child Comfort Zone organization is currently operating in 5 of 10 states of South Sudan.

Central Equatoria – Juba

Eastern Equatoria – Lafon

Upper Nile State – Maban

Warrap State – Tnoj North

Greater Pibor Administrative Area


“Empower women for children to have a healthy society."


Working tirelessly towards changing and improving the life of women for children through provision of equitable opportunities and creating away to reach the children who need us the most.

Our Goal

To improve and protect children the lives of children in South Sudan and beyond by ensuring their rights are respected.

Our Values

